Today I will tell you about one of my favorite areas - corporate attributes in the field of sports clubs and teams. We were contacted by the manager of one of the city's Australian WEST COAST American football teams from the city of Perth in the state of Western Australia. The team wanted to order signet rings for their players with their corporate merchandise and sponsor logos. They gave us a photo of what they want the rings to look like and their logos.
Initially, it was planned that on each ring on the sides there was the name and number of the team player. This would have required creating a model for each ring, but the allocated budget for these rings did not allow for this. After all, each ring would have to be paid for as a new model, and this could increase the cost of each ring to $ 50 per unit. I started thinking about how to personalize each ring so as not to add value to the client. I was considering an option with the engraving of the name and number of the player on the inner bottom of the shank of the ring. However, I liked the second solution much more. It was decided to make nameplates for each ring and solder them under the lower platform of the product. Thus, we decided that we would design only one ring with a single design for the whole team, replicate it in the quantity we needed, and already plates with a different design for each player would be soldered from the inside. This allowed us to personalize each ring and save the customer's budget. In this case, we have combined batch production technology with an individual approach.
Here in the photo you can see the projects in 3D.
We have now created a wax model for serial production. Forming size for each ring.

Now you can see the castings already in silver. Further, they will be assembled by masters manually together, soldered and brought to the final state.
This is how the finished product made of silver with finishing blackening looks on the hand.
Notice the perfect detailing of the fonts inside the ring.
In this look, the product was prepared for publication in the catalog.
A bronze version was also made for the sample. Since the bronze alloys themselves tend to become covered with a natural green patina and tarnish on contact with air over time, we have coated these items with nickel in an electroplating bath. This made the cost much cheaper with the same visual appearance as silver.