Today I want to tell a very interesting story of creating a ring for a truly true biker. For two years this story lived only in my memory, and only now I decided to put it on paper. For me personally, this story is one of the most interesting ever created by our studio. Interesting not because the product that we made is some kind of exclusive or unique, complex or extra expensive, but because the creation process itself was literally unusual and riddled with a chain of coincidences and interesting events.
Everyone knows the legendary historical route number 66 in the USA - U.S. Route 66 (You can read more here...https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_66 ). The length of this route is almost 4,000 thousand kilometers, which is a lot even for such a huge country as the United States.

To this day, in the USA, it is considered a very honorable event for a biker to overcome this track on a motorcycle alone. And, of course, bring something to remember this "biker's feat" with you.
So, in 2019, I was approached via email by a US biker named David asking me to create some custom jewelry for him. David wanted to ride this route like a true American biker on his old school chopper with a symbolic ring on his hand. He wanted to create a symbol for this event that he would associate with him for the rest of his life.
I agreed, of course, since the most interesting thing in my work is to create not just decorations, but associations with memorable events. At the top of the ring, I planned to display a road sign for this federal highway. Around - list all the states through which route 66 passes, and on the sides - the American flag with five-pointed stars, symbolizing the states.
Everything went as usual, I sketched a few drawings of the future model by hand with a pencil and began to design. I never sit in one place and constantly move around, use any free time for work and quite often I have to model my products where inspiration will take me by surprise. It can be a shop in the park, an airport, a cafe on the way from home to work, a gas station, or even a forest. So it is in this case. One hot summer day in 2019, I grabbed a cup of cappuccino and started modeling the ring on my laptop in the summer area of one of the local cafes. It was a small shop with a summer playground called Sribny, right next to the road to the city of Rubizhne, Luhansk region.
Note that only the first coincidence of the name and my work is worth something - silver! The ring was designed to look like silver. Further more interesting. When the ring was ready and ready for shipment, the client sent his address where he wants to receive the product. So that there was no mistake in the address, I decided to check it on Google maps. And while I was considering where to send the ring, I surprisingly discovered that the location where I designed the ring in the city of Rubezhnoye, the Sribny store, is located on the road of the same name with number 66.
Imagine a coincidence? The ring was designed in Ukraine in a cafe on the side of Route 66 for a client from the USA who traveled along the legendary historical Route 66. Isn't it mystical?)
When David received his ring and rode the whole route in it, he thanked me for this product and with the words “you will like it, bro” promised to send me a gift from the USA. More than a month has passed, and now I'm picking up a huge box with some kind of heavy object inside. I look forward to unpacking a bundle from a parcel wrapped in paper many times. To be there, what do you think? Do not believe! Half of a clay paving block and a note with a photograph. The note said that this brick was part of the paving of the old section of the track from 1926 and a photograph of the place where it was picked up. David took some bricks for himself and his friends and also sent one to me as a gift. Undoubtedly, this was the best evaluation of my work. The gratitude of the client and praise is still higher even than the money you earned from the order.
Photo of a brick sent to me.
Do not be lazy to thank if you liked something, you inspire the creators of this business and give them the opportunity to believe in themselves and become better.
I, as a designer, have prepared one small secret in this ring. To add intrigue, now I will not reveal the details and describe why exactly it is there, however, I can say with confidence that the owner of this ring will like it. The secret is on the inside of the ring, and only the owner of this product can find out).
Renders (visualizations) of the ring made on the computer in gold and silver.
Making a wax model for replication.
And this is how the ring looks in silver in blackened form already in reality.
The parcel is ready to be sent to the customer.
Pano presented by employees in the office.